Switching at KCS Rosenberg Intermodal Terminal

Two KCS locomotives, silhouette view

Antique Store, Richmond, Texas

Hoppers at KCS Rosenberg Intermodal Terminal

Live Oaks at Fort Bend County Courthouse

KCS diesel power

Morton Street Gallery, Richmond

I walked out of work today and the view was breathtaking.

365.122 Welcome to Life

Rosenberg Junction TX

BNSF work train at Rosenberg Junction TX

Brazos River Meanders

Behind GML

Letters to Santa

The Brazos Was 'Ere

View Into Nursery From Atrium

Mourning Dove at the window feeder, and the view of our bird garden from the kitchen

Sandhill cranes


After the Storm

Yellow Flowers Around Rainbow Lane Port Arthur

It Occurred To Jane That The Tree Was Probably Happier Than She'd Ever Be

Subaru Forester Sunset - Orchard, Texas

What an amazing day, just take a look at this Big Texas Sky!

Prairie Fences

I was distracted by this while cycling into a 25 mph headwind this morning. #mysocalledweekend #mscwspace

Hay bales along Bois D'Arc Road in Fulshear, Texas


The Heritage Ranch

Eastbound KCS manifest at Rosenberg Junction

Camporee Nov 11, 2007 020

Seabourne Creek NaturePark

Eastbound gravel hoppers at Rosenberg TX

Freight cars on a siding, Rosenberg TX

Manifest freight in Kendleton TX

Freight cars on a siding, Rosenberg TX

Foggy December Morning 2

Fort Bend County Sunrise