and in the darkened underpass...
Schautafel Kraftwerk - Chart Powerstation
Uglyworld #135 - Wage and the Yankee Candle
Langer Schatten - Grosser Indemann / Long shadow - big Indemann
A view of the Aachen Cathedral from the Katschhof. Because of its shape, the dome is affectionately referred to as "the lemon juicer." I wonder whether Charlemagne would approve.
Gemeine Wespe (Vespula vulgaris)
I can see your house from here
Unser Garten am 09.07.2014
Turmfalke,Falco tinnunculus,Common Kestrel,Torenvalk, WVV_6149 Explored 04-29-2013
Weihnachtsausflug 2011 - Pier
Weihnachtsausflug 2012 1/66
Abenddämmerung in der Eifel
157.08, Eilendorf, 13 mei 1983
Kulturlandschaften im Frühling
Sonnenuntergang am Blausteinsee - IMG_0093_20141031