Fog city

Colours of Kozani

Εγνατία Οδός

Moon eclipse (15 June 2011)

Greg in action.

Κοζάνη , Δυτική Μακεδονία / Kozani , Western Macedonia Greece - kk194

The roads Trilogy. Part 2: Remembrance


Photo - 0116

Photo - 0117

Green lake

Long Road

zone zero

Power station

Kozani panorama

Sunset in the village


Πάρκο Αγ. Δημητρίου Κοζάνης

"Παλιά Χαραυγή" Κοζάνης

Rodiani, West Macedonia, Greece

Even the air is dreaming

dreadful storm rising

Behind the clouds

watching the sunset with my daughter. ... unbelievable. .