Glow of Ice on the Susquehanna

Long-eared Owl

Susquehanna overlook

Another Susquehanna Sunset

Pennsylanian Big Sky

Columbia–Wrightsville Bridge

Night View with Stars of Susquehanna River from Chickies Rock, Lancaster County, PA

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Let's try this again...


Painted Bunting

A View to a Skee-Ball

Bugs eye view! NYC SD70ACe-1066 + S&A SD70ACe-1065 on W/B 591 at Columbia, PA

3: studio window

The Susquehanna River, south view from the Wrights Ferry Bridge, US30.

Getting Better...

The view from my new house.


Wrightsville Bridge -- the view from lunch

He is getting so big...

Searching through the snow

Wrightsville Bridge

Cloudy Afternoon

169: tire tracks

78: snow walk

sunset stop sign

long lane

Pennsylvania Rural Landscape

Columbia–Wrightsville Bridge

Bair's Mill

country road

Snow and Water

Morninng Tree

Pennsylvania Rural Landscape

Wildcat Gorge

Emerald city...

Those clouds though....

Chickie's Creek


The Road

Morning Tree