Star Wars

d' Waxnstoana

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

a sea of clouds

A Little Chapel in Tyrol

Another view to the Wetterstein Alps

Between The Seasons

Sehnsucht nach Winter

Zwei stolze Brüder

Good morning! → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

worms eye → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

touch lightly → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

looking through the V

Bivouac under stars

Panorama View from the Zugspitze, Bavaria

Mountain Zugspitze (2962 meters)

silent nature


Happy new Year 2009! (EXplored #272)

von einem anderen Stern

sparkle in the night

Moody Morning in the Mountains

Sommerwiese im Werdenfelser Land

Alpspitze und Zugspitze grüssen über den Geroldsee

Space station

Trollblumenfest am Geroldsee

Bavarian Dawn

Sonnenaufgang am Geroldsee

Top of Germany

Kuhflucht 2

Die Partnach

“If you love something let it go free. If it doesn't come back, you never had it. If it comes back, love it forever.”

Königshaus am Schachen

I have been tagged ;-)

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”

Place of silence

Die kleine Kapelle

Rainbow Shower

A New morning,........