textures of tasmania - postcard from boronia beach

Huon River - Tasmania

View of Kingston with Browns River bridge in the foreground (Photographer - Anson Brothers)

End of the Day at Roberts Point, Bruny Island

SS Excella

Tiny Cup Moth Caterpillar

Guard them with her life

Winter Finale

textures of tasmania - postcard from baronia beach 2

Looking across Barnes Bay

Admiring the view

Huon Valley views

Hard Earned Thirst

Short-beaked Echidna

Headed home.

Bruny Island

Drosera auriculata in flower

Pelverata Falls

Leaving Bruny Island

The view - just beneath the surface - looking out of a rockpool towards the sky

Cute, furry (and a teeny bit prickly...)

margate lavender

Southern Sky

Tinderbox-Looking Northeast

Twilight and Moonlight

Fishermans Haul

Night In The Rainforest

Moonlit clouds

Snug River #53

Fossil Cove #3

North West Bay #2

You've Got Mail

Fossil Cove #4

Fossil Cove looking North

North West Bay #1

Fossil Cove

Rocks #5, Blackmans Bay