Mahone Bay churches

At Bay

Beautiful Mahone Bay

View to the bay

Bayview Pines Country Inn - The Suite No. 4

Three Churches

Castle Rock View

Room 2 - The Blue Nose

Saturday's sky

Nice View, Mader's Cove Road, Nova Scotia - HDR 2

Room 4 - The Suite

Bayview Pines Country Inn - Breakfast Room

Chester, Nova Scotia - HDR

Bayview at the Bayview Pines Country Inn / Mahone Bay

Bayview Pines Country Inn - Katie's Room No.

Bayview Pines Country Inn - The Blue Nose Room No. 2

Nice Place to Spend a Weekend

Bayview Pines Country Inn - The Loft Apartment No. 9

Bayview Pines Scarecrow

Captain's House View

What a peaceful place to stay!

Mahone Bay

Running fast

Storm brewing

Cottage sunrise

Chester Evening

Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia


The Aspotogan Trail

Aspotogon Penisula

My Shadow

April 13-3

waterfront propeties

Autumn Lake

Mahone Bay Waterfront, Nova Scotia - HDR

Nova Scotia sunset

dories and fishing boat

stone wall

Admiral crunch

Mahone Bay Nova Scotia

The Three Churches. (One is clearly missing its spire.)