Guadalupe River

Orange Hot Rod, Gruene, Texas

Golden sky over Canyon lake

Whitewater Amphitheater Entrance, Comal County, Texas

Still life... very still!

December view towards Canyon Lake TX

Over time

Bike Bike Summer

Into the Past

Windmill Wednesday

Canyon Lake Texas: blue & brown

Another Windmill Wednesday

Canyon Lake Texas: night coming in...

Covered Wagon

Canyon Lake Texas: black & gold sunset

Canyon Lake Texas: and the lights go out...

Gristmill River Restaurant & Bar Balcony View

Gruene Hall Is Rockin' Tonite

Canyon Lake Texas: sunset calm

Balcony View

Hill Country Morning

Gruene Water Tower by Trees 2

Dam Fine Car Show

Marina / Lake Sunset

Canyon Lake, Texas

Long Dash (Polites mystic) Butterfly on Bloom of Texas Mountain Laurel

Rainy Waters

Canyon Lake

Canyon Lake Marine SA TX

Big sky Texas

Canyon Lake Texas: brown autumn grass

Canyon Lake Texas: sundown and a flare

New Braunfels Flash Floods - June 9, 2010

Canyon Lake Texas: Baja BBQ Shack

Canyon Lake Texas: abandoned bocci court