Shadows Falling

Halloween Pennant

Ray of Light

Valley Forge - Maurice Stephens House (Rear Spring or Milk House Field View)

Wooden Wheelchair

Rainy Tax Day Vignette (1/3)

Nurse's Room

Until The Morning

365/Day16 - View From My "Office"

From B+W to color (Trichromy 6/7)

H203-Quercus bicolor-100825

M303-Erichtites hieraciifolia-100721

(Harris shutter effect) Light snow in Phoenixville, PA

Chester Co Barn-House_6558.jpg

(Harris shutter effect) Rainy day traffic in Phoenixville

J408-Acer saccharinum-100411E3873

Oh, Wonderous Bridge

M303-Erichtites hieraciifolia-100721-2

Abiah Taylor Farm

Red Spotted Purple ventral view

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly on Sedum

Carpet of gold

Late Afternoon Sun at Valley Forge

The Spring House

Wayne's Woods

Battlefield Sunset

Monarch on last coneflower

November Perkiomen

Shade some light

Sonata in Valley Forge

The canon at Muhlenberg Brigade

Meadow Near George Washington's Headquarters

Morning Light in Valley Forge NP

Valley Forge National Historical Park, Pennsylvania

Southern view from Outer Line Defenses

Love at Valley Forge

Before all were gone

Sheeder-Halll Covered Bridge-Oct 213.jpg

Trees and "Lightning"

131018 Creek Rd 107

Warmer days