Shadows of the Sun


Tryon Palace

New Bern City Hall

Monarda didyma 'Raspberry Wine' - Top view

My Kit (updated)

Osprey doing the "YMCA!"

Atlantic Beach North Carolina

The Pepsi Store - New Bern, NC

Stars and Growls Forever

Exterior front view of the Foscue Plantation House

273/366 The View I Love the Most

Small Engrailed - (Ectropis crepuscularia)

Agreeable Tiger Moth (Spilosoma congrua)

Middle Street

US 70 - Exit 417

Christ Episcopal Church

The Athens Theatre

Stare Down

New Bern Bear

The Birth Place of Pepsi-Cola

New Bern North Carolina - Governor's Palace - Tryon Palace

New Bern North Carolina - Governor's Palace - Tryon Palace

Gaillardia X Grandiflora "Arizona Sun"

Sky on Fire

Beyond the Forest

Gravity Wave Clouds

Red Dawn

A Warm December Day

The First Day of Winter

Harbour Cloudscape

Heading West...

September Sunset

Sunset Glow

Winter Sunset

Harbour Sunset

"Birds Flying South"

Harbour Sunset

September Sky

Pastel Sunset

'Evening Twilight on Northwest Creek'