By the Sea

A quiet morning

Summer night at the harbor

Utsikt fra Søndre Sandøya mot svenskegrensa | View from Hvaler, Norway, cross the fjord to the border between Norway and Sweden

The Rich And The Beautiful Spoiling The View

Koster Islands, Sweden

Koster Islands, Sweden

Room with a view

Koster Islands, Sweden

Purple Landing

Koster Islands, Sweden

Koster Islands, Sweden

Red rock | Heavy skies

'Tis the forest of faeries and elves...

Into the mist

Puddles and cliffs (B/W version of Purple Landing)

View from my workingplace in June 2010

Skagerack Strand

the railing & the view

Working with a view...

Seascape with Lighthouse

Thank you Bill and everyone else for your support.

First image of 2015 :)

Saltön, Strömstad

Homlungen lighthouse

Resö, Strömstad Sweden

Miss You! Miss Summer:)

Koster Islands, Sweden

Koster Islands, Sweden

Walkway in the forest



Old boathouse


Morning in the woods

Koster Islands, Sweden

Geocaching extremo!



