Tea Farm in Kenya

Foto 21-07-13 20 15 56

Foto 21-07-13 20 17 51

So proud of my cousin @aciemuiruri ... Congrats on getting your Bachelors Degree in Acturial Science!!! Your really something else, we are super proud of you and I hope Kaya will always look upto you and focus on being an all round super woman like you! J


When your smaller Bro looks like...

#random #kenya365 #hike #presidentsaward @usiupa #goldexpedition #aberdares

Random photo during my recent PA...

With this lovely brood...#GoodTimes

In this cold weather what better to keep me warm than a hand-woven sweater from the greatest mum "Maitû" of them all & a big old mug of traditional porridge!!! Getting spoilt here...#HomeSweetHome #HandWovenSweater

Always green & the air fresher than most...a lil' bit too chill though, but loving it...

Purple tea


Phoenix bike chainring

Phoenix bike

hadeda ibis