Earth and Water

night lights

The Pond

darck corner

Bear Creek Forest in IR

Ducks in the pond

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Houston Offices

NOW IN 3D! “The last thing Sarah’s punching bag sees before it is kicked to the ground” Playing in selected cities this summer.

A view of the wetlands as we drive by. Can see a few egrets.

Memorial High School Theatre

~ sunshine on a cloudy day ~

Stereoscope views of Texas yesteryear.

"Top floor alone the view will leave you breathless." Houston photography is m'fave. Discover Your City Architecture Urban Geometry at 1200 Post Oak

Houston streets view

gentle day


Houston streets view

Ceci n'est pas un bâtiment

I've Looked At Clouds...

Houston Arboretum (infrared)

addicks_2014-05-10_028-HDR Pano



an epic sunset

Memorial Trees, Study 2

In The Beginning M



This morning

out and about in the park - part 2

Texas SkY's

my own personal sunset just for me

big house by the creek

Portrait of a Closed Carwash

Overgrown and Forgotten

Barred Owl

setting sun on addicks reservoir

Grassy Sky again

Look Through The Clearing

Fall Around The Edges II
