there are no skyscrapers in Freudenberg, but I like it :)

up, up, ups...I did it again.

Tiefenrother Höhe

Friedrichstraße / Sandstraße

oberes lahntal und laaspher rothaarkamm

Hotel "Zum Weißen Stein", Katzenbach

Autumn view at the pond ????????????

View of the old town of Siegen, my hometown

catch the mOOn

organic view

Wirklich schlimmer als verlieren?

Schöne Aussicht...

Silvester 2016 / 17

Keep on trucking 2016-37

Enjoying the view - Winter couple portrait

An der Ginsburg

Keep on trucking 2016-121

Rennrad mit Aussicht

public "viewing"

Henner, Bergmann

Siegen: Apollo Theater

Autumn Landscape, Germany.

Autumn Landscape, Germany.

Blick vom Gillerberg (Aussichtsturm) , Germany

15 km away from my place of residence I discovered today the first beautiful winter landscape

15 km away from my place of residence I discovered today the first beautiful winter landscape

Freudenberg "Alter Flecken"

land street

alone tree

land street

winter forest