Misty View

Autumnal Sunburst

Belvedere on the Pfingstberg

the inner temple

The Windmill and the New Chambers, Palace Sanssousi, Potsdam, Germany

belvedere potsdam

Germany Deutschland Potsdam Sanssouci

Vineyard of Sanssouci

Bare Branches in the January Sun

Neues Palais

Schloss Sanssouci

EyeEm 5.0 Open Edit Samsungsnapshooter Mysamsungexperience Testing Samsung Galaxy Note 4 From My Point Of View at Park Sanssouci

autumn view

Sans souci

Sanssouci Potsdam :: HDR

This is Hole #4 at the Hyzernauts Disc Golf Parcours Volkspark in Potsdam, Germany! It's a view from the Basket looking back down the Fairway to the Teepad, it's a beautiful Disc Golf Hole! #DiscGolf #HyzerHo #EuroTour2013

The Russian Orthodox Church in Potsdam (Infrared)

Butterfly and Daisies

Hungry Duck

Neues Palais - New Palace

The Russion Orthodox Church in Potsdam (Infrared)

[ the alder ]

Potsdam - Park Sanssouci - Marlygarten

8/52 Ice


Es geschah am hellichten Tag

6 Windows

Early Springtime

Last Poppies!

New Palace


Reflection in the Havelland region

The Way

Just for a change! :-)

Norman Tower

Havelfähre bei Ketzin 20-07-2013 7

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007_Flickr SchwarzWeiß.jpg


43763 Eigentlich hätten wir uns den

in the garden of sanssouci