Franklinville view from the front deck.

View of the slopes - Autumn

17/365 my lower driveway view as the sun sets! #countryliving

The Cat in Bird Swamp

BP BKBF @ Bird

WM 4313 Bird Swamp

Hundred acre woods

Nannen Pond

Crestview Sunset

#fall #color #cattarauguscounty #beauty

More sunset

#fall #color #cattarauguscounty #beauty

October's bright blue weather

#Kayaking #eriecanal #summer #fun

Case Lake #franklinville #summer #kayak

Winter blue sky

OL-2 has M636 #637 on the South end and M636 #638 on the North end of a 20 car stone strain that is being loaded to go directly to Hawbaker's in Turtle Point, PA.

Ski Slopes


#ellicottvillenewyork #cemetary

Buttercup Yellow


Holiday Valley