Water lily in B&W....

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.......

I am...Water Lily!

Back to Reality

Call to Kings

Water Lily ~ New Orleans Botanical Garden........D700

Pelican portrait.......D800

2 love birds

Point of No Return

A Louisiana Iris - State Wildflower

Jump start....

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans After Dark

chapman hyams angel

Early morning view. .. #moments #mrbroadcast #julianfiles #241stMPAD #PT

Falling Water

Big Boy

Pelican at Bonnabel Boat Launch...

A Lily and a Little Artistic License...


Sometimes I Sits and Thinks, and Sometimes I Just Sits

Autumn Reflections

On a Quiet Morning

Moseying Along

Everyday New Orleans The Cemeteries

a little bit of heaven on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain

Over the Mississippi


Audubon Park Lake

Everyday New Orleans: The Cemeteries

IPhone Scenic Silhouettes

Blure Hour Boats

Tulane Pitch-In 2012

Gert Town

Parque de la ciudad/City park

Mississippi River Sunset

Tree of Life - Large Format

MIA Sunrise! Only yucky gray fog

Destrehan Plantation 1

the gentle romantic light of nuclear power