OS: Beach

Emperor Goose (Chen canagica)

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (32 of 63)

IMG_5728 Banded Western Gull

Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

Path to the Lighthouse

Early Ocean Morning

Jelly On The Beach

Karrin & Moxxie at the Westport Viewing Tower

Karrin & Moxxie

The view from bed.

Basin Jelly

untitled . 4192

Ocean Shores

Trying To Enjoy Crab Dinner

Flying High

Washington's Secret Coast

Reflections in Water and Sand

Washington Coast as seen from Westport, WA

My office view today. Can't complain.

Olympics 2010 Day 2 (37 of 63)

What Does It Mean?!!!

future golf course

One Bench

Forrest Stream

Ocean Beach No. 3, Westhaven State Park, Washington, Winter 2017

Gray, with a touch of color

Early Ocean Evening

Evening Light, Ocean Shores

Ocean Beach No. 1, Westhaven State Park, Washington, Winter 2017

Ocean shores WA.

sunshine pup

Solitary Gull

Ocean Shores WA Jetty Sunset


Grayland Beach

Sunset Ocean Shores 1

From Atop the Jetty

Ocean Beach No. 6, Westhaven State Park, Washington, Winter 2017

#sunset #nofilter #fromwhereistand