and who believes in me will never be thirsty...

""Which of them will love him more?" -Luke 7:42

Roll the Dice

1952 Oldsmobile

Colorful tachs

Colorful tachs

More on parasitoids...

gudnight my friends... have a blessed sunday!

The Old Mill of Guilford (Under Bridge View)

Old Guilford Mill (Inside View)

The Old Mill of Guilford (Stone Wall View)

Woodland Ground Beetle

Leaf-footed bug

10:365 Swan Lake

KHI trucks

Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO) postcard view - circa late 1980's

Varied Carpet Beetles

Rough Stink Bug

Water Scorpion

Leatherwing beetle

Water Scorpion

lake shore

Old Mill of Guilford (Antique)

Macy Grove Road Improvements Project May 8, 2015

Guilford Woods

Lake Brandt

View from Erin's back porch.

Buckeye Tree Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0659


Was she so terribly lost

US-220 N, North Carolina :: HDR

In Times Like These

Step closer

2006.12.14.07924 Sunrise Near Greensboro

Two Slios and a Barn

Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0795

Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0679

Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0678

Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0681

Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0794

Tanic water Reflection Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0791

Palmetto Trail Greensboro NC 0815