..water sprayer..

..very wet homecoming..

..in warp speed..

..arriving in the last light of the day..

..going somewhere..

..braking on very wet runway..

..turn back crime..

..night towing..

..ready to go..

..India Delta..

Leaving the developing Jakarta..

..wet arrival..

..red blazing on top of the blue..

..tilting up..

"..Turn Back Crime.."

Aerial View of Jakarta

Braking hard under the hard rain..

..the white Singaporean..

..leaving for home..

..bandit in the high noon..

..the colorful double livery of Max 8..

..water blaster..

Al'Azam Mosque

Getting ready..

Red bird in golden hours of sunset..

..the Max is on the move..

Sun of August

Froggy BSD City

..almost home..

..great day to fly..

..the rain won't stop me doing my duties..

Top Of The Gede Pangrango Mountain

rain in city of jakarta

..with golden sunset on my side..