Earth and Water

night lights

darck corner

Traffic with a Beautiful View

View from the Bench

The view this morning...

365.249 I Want a Perfect Body, I Want a Perfect Soul

Memorial High School Theatre

Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Hindu Temple

Stereoscope views of Texas yesteryear.

365.228 Growing Pains

Some people ask why I keep a bottle of Windex in my glove box. Answer: thousands of little girlfriend-applied toe prints… occasionally footprints, but she's short, so in those cases she's really just messing with me.

~ sunshine on a cloudy day ~

365.111 Satcitananda (सच्चिदानन्द)

Under 59 2

365.186 Winter

365.222 Tea Time at Lunch

365.243 Feeding Britney

365.107 BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

Under 59

Port of Houston Texas, A Wide View Of This Section

Waterworks @ Oyster Creek Park, Sugar Land , Texas

A December day in Sugar Land #2

Sugar Land Memorial Park


Sofie and baretrees - another one of my favorite combos...

This morning

Splash rise

Fall Afternoon 2012 (18)


BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

What is sunrise

Grassy Sky again


Somewhere out there...

Winter in Texas

Cypress 17 hole

Stereo Images (parallel) | Kiernan Holland (c) 2014

addicks_2014-05-10_028-HDR Pano

I hope your evening is as beautiful as the sunset was! #godspaintings #beautifulsunset #goodevening

Texas SkY's

Brazos River sunset.