and who believes in me will never be thirsty...

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1952 Oldsmobile

Colorful tachs

Colorful tachs

Train Depot Hightpoint,NC

Columbian Sun

uca... u see ant... hbw my friends hiccups... hic ;-)

Wife and I - Self Portrait

Ruby-throated Hummingbird portrait - Randolph County North Carolina

Ruby-throated Hummingbird eyeing me - Town of Glenola North Carolina - Randolph County

More on parasitoids...

Petunia bloom side view in late evening sunlight

honor and loyalty... 'till the end times!

The Queen's Chambers - Castle McCulloch

Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Town of Glenola in Randolph County North Carolina

Denise - Castle McCulloch

Denise - Castle McCulloch

Yearbook photo of Emmylou Harris, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1966

Regine Chassagne

Willow Island - Castle McCulloch

the Old Woods

Late Afternoon Woods

Trail Through Winter Wonderland

Looking Across the Street

I met you that spring rain was wet, and greens were impossible.

I'll Go Where You Lead Me

the old woods know things

Brown Thrasher - Armstrong Park in High Point, North Carolina

Male House Finch taken in Glenola, North Carolina

Brown Thrasher came from the brush - High Point North Carolina

Poking round in a new-to-us park. #red #clay #peidmont #husband #park

Macy Grove Road Improvements Project May 8, 2015

Guilford Woods

Foggy 6 Bridges Fairway

...As Far As the Eye Can See - 016/365

Quercus rubra

Autumn in the Bamboo

Abandoned House

Two Slios and a Barn

Portrait of the Lonely Tulip 006/365