DSC08186mod - Evergreen Lake

Syd and Gabby

Going Home - from Peoria - Rt. 150 - Getting back to Normal

DSC03441 mono - Parklands Foundation

Image027mod2 - Parklands Foundation

Red-winged Blackbird Chick

2011-05-29 20.33.56

William Duncan Manor viewed from historic Route 66

DSC04597 - Evergreen Lake

Trip to Minnesota

2011-05-29 20.33.41

Windy View From West Basement Window

DSC07773mod - Parklands Foundation

Syd and Gab

DSC02427 - Evergreen Lake

Normal Geese Walking On Path

Gabby inside the Corn Crib

Duncan Mannor - Rear View

Sydney and Gabby

DSC07354mod - Evergreen Lake

2011-05-29 20.32.54

Occupying my time in the car with the camera

William Duncan Manor

DSC03970 mod - Parklands Foundation

DSC07736 - Parklands Foundation

40/52: Not A Turban

DSC04749 red mod - Parklands Foundation

WedRose Animal Sanctuary

I could get used to this much light for prep soccer...

DSC05910 - Lake Bloomington

DSC08548mod - Evergreen Lake

July Sunset 1

Farm Sancturary - Horses - HDR

Windows Desktop-esque

Field of Dreams

DSC02367 - Trees at Evergreen Lake

DSC04034 mod - Parklands Foundation

DSC03510 - Parklands Foundation

DSC04339 - Evergreen Lake

DSC07637mod - Parklands Foundation

DSC05900 - Lake Bloomington