Bornean Ground-Cuckoo - Carpococcyx radiceus
Viewing replanted trees, bank of the Kinabatangan near Batu Putih
Oil Palms
Oil Palms
Gomantong Cave
Sungai Kinabatangan
Flooded Kinabatangan
Flooded Kinabatangan
Kinabatangan river
Myne Resort, kota Kinabantang
Kinabatangan River, Danau Girang Field Centre, Sabah
Invasive weed covering the lake at the jungle camp
Weed on the lake in the early morning
#picmeelephant #pygmyelephant Herd Of About 30+
Looking towards the Kinabatangan river from Agop Batu Tulug
#PicMeElephant Pygmy Elephants photographed by Martin Maurer during cruise along the Kinabatangan