The Sun & The Earth (I).........

Peponi III (Paradise)

Peponi II (Paradise)

Impending storm

▲ 五脚基 ▲ 我的生活在这里

Masjid Jamek Muar

Today is my Birhday!!!

Muar Trip

Muar Trip

Muar Trip

Muar Trip

Muar Trip

Muar Trip

Muar Trip

paddy field growth up

traditional fish cage

traditional fish cage

farmer at paddy field

Morning view #saturday #morning #view #windy #sleepy #too

Muar Trip

Muar Trip

Masjid Jamek Tanjung Agas

# Unstabble

It is only beautiful if you spend some time enjoying it :) Took this picture at Muar, Malaysia.

Welcome 2011 [4/365] (Explored)

Sunset at Tanjung Emas

At day's end

Stormy clouds

Cloudy sunset

Masjid Jamek at sundown

At the riverfront

Sunset at Tanjung Emas

Evening by the river



Sunset at Tanjung Emas

First Light of 2011 - Sunrise at an abandoned jetty by the Muar River [3.3/365] (Explored)

Along the Muar river

The setting sun

Sunset @ Tanjung Emas