A grainfield on my way

Fog Spirits, the children of autumn

And right in the fog a tree!

the beauty of tension

Artificial Hill

the lightfinder

Night view of Fraumunster | Explore

Windy evening in Neuenburg



Incoming train on the VIADUKT

An indescribable experience on the Limmat

I Love Summer

We're a long, long way from home,

The beginning of Wülflingen

Sunrays on the VIADUKT

Winter is back (20/04/2013)

Reflection in the pond - Bigger view!

Train station in Wülflingen

Sunset after the Storm

Walk along the tree line

Just Blue and Green

Happy New Year!

Full of Light

Swiss - German Border

Race down the hill

Flower and Sunset

The End of Autumn

The Dog & The Light

My Friend

smell the sunshine

The Road

easter walk

The possibility for emotion and poetry