Kuruvadweep 3

Kuruvadweep 1

Kuruvadweep 2

View over the river

A window with a view.

Jacuzzi Hut - Living Room

Jacuzzi Hut - Dining Room

Jacuzzi Hut - Bedroom

Kabini River Lodge Cottage

Pesky yet helpful... langur

Open-To-Sky view and Jacuzzi @ The Hut; Orange County Resort, Kabini

View across the dried up Kabini River from the Reading Lounge perched on stilts;

Good Morning Wayanad

India - Kerala, Wayanad, Soochipara Waterfalls

A dreamy looks of Rice fields.#Lumia 1520,#Nokia camera.

Rice fields amidst Kakanakote Forests, Nagerhole WLS, Karnataka, India.# Lumia 1520# Nokiacamera.#Nature.

Kuruvadweep 4

...and he shows interest in one of the females

Cow paddy field along the route from Tholpetty to Vythiri

Black-headed ibis probe for food

#Lumia1520#Nokia camera .Rice fields inside Nagerhole Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka, India.

Jungle - Nagarhole NP - Karnataka IMG_7150

Drive Thru Nagarhole

The blue one #kabini

By the lake #sunset #kabini

Balle Backwaters

a long way to go

Orange County Kabini Hotel

Not fair to play hide and seek with an elephant :) #kabini #lake #karnataka #elephant #minimal #blue #swimmingpool

Sunset - Kabini River Reservoir

Sunset pier | Kabini