Nature spot light

On storm tour

Nature Moments

Sunset silence (Fineart)

The Cologne bay

Fleißig / Busy

the first signs of autumn

Zaunkönig / Wren

Fields of Leverkusen

Viersbach-Panorama Große Dhünn-Talsperre

Nach dem Gewitter / After the thunderstorm

Altenberger Dom / Altenberg cathedral # 23

... sometimes the backside view is more interesting ...

YAMP 21/8/5 build from six one-piece modules

Helena Verill Quilt Units

Two Snowflakes Combined - conventional way

Immer obenauf / Always on top

mixing 45° and 60° valley fold angels, adding some mountain folds ...

6 snowflake stripes

Hexagram 04

bird's-eye view

magical forest


Moon light shadow

Wet feet in the creek


Autumn light

once upon a time...

Nature Moments

halfway there

My journey to the past...

transient moment

Creek Eifgen - Eifgenbach

nature is getting all back

Furchen / Furrows

Haunted (redone)



Nature Moments

Im Wald - 5

little falls