Dragonfly Eyes Macro Nikon D90 Raynox DCR-250

The mountain is out this morning...

IMG_4179 Least Sandpiper - Calidris minutilla

river of blue - 1920x1200

Murhut Falls

Cracked View

Marina View in Bremerton

#JustBecause this car's so awesome. It deserved another angle from a different view... #seatacinc #silverdale #paintfactory #rustbucket #classiccar #ratrod?

Two Eagles For The Price Of One And A Seagull

US Navy Hydrofoil - Fresh-1

The view totally doesn't suck.

Westbay View

Pholcus phalangioides

"The View From Here"

Eagle In The Branches

US Navy Hydrofoil - Fresh-1

Sit back in wonderful #seabeck and enjoy the #view #realestate #photooftheday #WA #pnwlife #realestatephotography #realestate #seattlerealestate #milliondollarlisting #luxury #lifestyle #luxuryhomes #luxuryproperties #luxuryrealestate #pugetsound #pnw #se

Assignment: Point of VIew

Kitsap sunset


Dragonfly Macro Nikon D90 Raynox DCR-250

Stavis Bay Cove

Mossy Flowingly...

Asymmetric Symmetry (Texturized)

Hall of Mosses Trail

Hall of Mosses Trail

Foggy Ferry

Headed back to the house. A good day.

Hall of Mosses Trail

Let it "Flow"

Don't let TIME pass you by...

Reclaimed wetland

Snow covers the wetland

Just the #shade from a #tree in a parking lot's #landscaping

Hood Canal tidal runoff.

The Union River at low tide

The tides flowing into the Theler Wetlands

Port Orchard Marina


Abstract Reflection

Storm Rolling In

Washington State