Anywhere With You

The Long Lake

Owasco Lake view from about five miles away

Skaneateles Lake double rainbow

Light along the Glen Gorge

Country Road

Bucktail From The Road

It IS Easy Being Green

Ruffed Grouse

Lake Owasco

Oregon Junco

Oregon Junco

Oregon Junco

Evening Grosbeak

the view

Guess What?

Fillmore Glen Gorge, Finger Lakes.

Kinda Don't Care

Kinda Don't Care

I Love NY

Higher and Higher

The Crossing (Owasco)

Filmore Glen

Gorge Trail stairs, Fillmore Glen State Park, Moravia, New York

Crappy Weather Falls

Filmore Glen State Park

Upper Fillmore Glen

Bucktail Falls

Want To

New Hope Mills

Filmore Glen State Park. Cowsheds Falls

South End

Cow Shed Falls

Frozen Otisco Lake

Big Swamp Creek ~ New Hope NY (New Hope Mills Complex)