High School In Aynor, SC.

Aynor, SC High School.

Forest Path

Picture for attention, but someone make a deal with me for my money Merediths size 8. I want some cool shoes for state. Broke my thumb 2 weeks before state and tore the ligaments in it

VULX 1040 - Rains, SC

School Buses.

School Bus Parking Lot.

Bus Parking.

Seats In The Aynor High School Auditorium.

Oxendine Family Takes The Stage.

Empty Seats Aynor High School Auditorium.

Concert Set Up.

Nortons Singing In Aynor, SC.

Concert With The One Step Closer Band.

One Step Closer Band Aynor, SC.

One Step Closer Band Performing.

Quinton Mills Concert Aynor, SC.

Black And White Stage.

Quiet Stage

May 29 2017 - Mr T - John Tarmey copy

Flower South Carolina

Bee on a flower SC