Frozen glow

Ballet Swimmers of the Hadean Eon

Bristol Renaissance Faire: 2012

2009-07-11 Raven Glen Forest Preserve 14

Bristol Renaissance Faire: 2012

2006-7-1 Grayslake Fireworks 1

Dream Bigger

Lake Michigan from Flooded Dune

2008-11-09 Flower Study 1

View of Lake Michigan

City on the otherside

Black Crowned Night Heron Landing Sequence

North Shore at Mundelein

Walk along the pier

2006-8-12 Waukegan Harbor 1

2007-6-10 Periodical Cicadas 18

Rock Job

2009-03-15 Canada Geese (Branta canadensis)

2009-06-20 Father's Day Eve 2


Pond's view

Good Morning

Rebirth 探春

The color of my conviction 失色的雲彩

Timber Shining

Off Path

Des Plaines River Reflections in HDR

Searching for Nirvana

I was reborn, Once I stepped in there!

Light at the End of My Path

He Sees Me

Head to the Light

Sunset at Osprey Lake

Greeting the morning

Combining Forces

He Has No Decision

After the Snow Storm

Return to Fleeting Moments

In the Flow of the Des Plaines River