Have a wonderful week!

HDR winter series .. 912 Linden ave

Earth's rumour grew in the leaves

Spring Blossoms

Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. ~Ansel Adams

this photo was featured on Cheknews , our local tv show . March 5th

To be and to go on being

Love on the line.

House with a view!

Sunrise Mist at Swan Lake

Blue Grapes.......Explore

evening serenade

King's Pond

Sleepy Blue Eyes

Frankenstein Sleeps

... So , drawn on by my destiny .....

It's because they live in big houses and we live in small ones.

Come away, O human child!

Indefinite Prominence

Victoria, British Columbia Skyline at The Blue Hour (HDR series)

And everything is blue again like morning.

To give light to those who hope for it

Surged like an eclipse of beauty

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. .. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Autumn in the Bay

Electric Blue

kayaks at Cattle Point

The First Sun of the year

Autumn series 2012

The first day of June

Fisherman's Wharf

“The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event”

West coast beach

Purple Harbour

Fisgard Lighthouse, Victoria, BC

Yesteryear series

Breaking Free

The Johnson Street Bridge

YYJ Inner Harbour