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Mon Tawang orphanage, Arunachal Pradesh, India, stupa end of rituals.
Mon Tawang orphanage, Arunachal Pradesh, India, stupa end of rituals.
Stupa empowering with sacred images, Lama Kalsang praying/blessing the images, Tawang orphanage, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The images are: left, Guru Yamantaka YabYum, R, Guru Rimpoce Padmasambawa.: may the benefit of the sentient beings be done soon !
Stupa empowering with sacred images, Lama Kalsang praying/blessing the images, Tawang orphanage, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The images are: left, Guru Yamantaka YabYum, R, Guru Rimpoce Padmasambawa.: may the benefit of the sentient beings be done soon !
Arunachal Pradesh, India ( Tawang )
Arunachal Pradesh, India ( Tawang )
Arunachal Pradesh, India ( Tawang )
Arunachal Pradesh, tibetan orphanage, India
Arunachal Pradesh, tibetan orphanage, India
Arunachal Pradesh, tibetan orphanage, India