No Bathing Today

Frozen Sunset

panoramic view of downtown Mount Clements, Michigan

Heart of the Iris

Malachite [Siproéta Stélénès] Butterfly ~


Mommy, I'm walking!

I Better Get A Drink Before . . . ~ Scroll down ↓ to view more:

Athens Coney Island

Cranbrook Campus: Reflections of Trees and Sky in Lake Jonah

Ooodles and ooodles

Ratrod and Mechanic

Michigan Ice Storm

1918 Dort

Like A Tattoo

"Royal Bobcat"

Under the Street Lamp

Blue Jay - Scroll down ↓ to view more photos in this series:

Caching Peanuts - Scroll down ↓ to view more photos in this series:

The Princess Blue Jay Story-Part II

Beef Barley Soup

Icy Stream

Icy Walk

"Do You Love Me?"

fall in Royal Oak

Black-Capped Chickadee

Dark Woods

Apple plantation

Power Lines - Split Tone

Young Lad Throwing Rock into Lake Full of E. coli

Mae Stecker Park

April Pond

Clinton river

Definition of MOUTHFUL

1-2-07 marina


Red-breasted Nuthatch

House Finch

Black-Capped Chickadee

House Finch

Walk with me

The Clinton River