Mayang (Java - Indonesia)

Tobacco Barn

Alun-alun Jember

Masjid Baitul Amin Jember

View of New Opening Jember Airport

Semanggi Bridge at Night View

finally it's friday! ???? #kawahwurung #sunrise #mountain #view #travel #vacation #nature #sunshine #bondowoso #indonesia #explore #bondowosotrip #crater

The smoking crater is the Bromo volcano. The lookout had good view, the problem is that everyone took the same photo. #indonesia #travel #photography #bromo #nature #volcano #travelling #travelphoto #travelphotography

Probowangi de Raoeng

Farming Gold

Small Forest behind Housing Complex

Field of Gold

Fertilizing Field

Bedadung River Across City of Jember

Felder neben der Bahnstrecke

Saturday Life #situbondo #indonesia #routine #people #scenery #landscape #pose #candid #cityscape

meski tak secantik gunung fujiyama

Kawah Wurung yg masih ijo, nggak gersang. #bondowoso #ijen #kawahwurung #nature #nofilter #casio #travel #trip #indonesia #crater #throwback

Coba perhatikan di depan toilet yang disediakan oleh pihak TNBTS masih banyak sampahnya (sebelah pojok kanan).. Mengaku pencinta alam, tapi kenapa alamnya dirusak?? Sudah saatnya kita jaga kelestarian lingkungan, dimulai dari diri sendiri y ???? #se

From payangan with love???????????? #latepost #SquareInstaPic

The town on the edge of the valley, from where we visited the Bromo volcano. #indonesia #travel #photography #nature #bromo #volcano #travelling #travelphoto #travelphotography

Good Morning!! Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends. . . . . #morning #crater #green #sun #good #me #mountains #hills #kawahwu

Hello Jember I'm coming for you.... :v