It's a plane, It's a Skimmer, It's mom with food!

It just got cuter than the previous pic!

Take out dinner!

Tossed Sushi !

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Look at me look at me, I'm flying I'm flying!

Open wide!!

Looking over the family to come!


N2027J | Airbus A321-271NX | jetBlue Airways "A Blue Point of View"

2019 Geico Skytypers (+4 In Comments)

A Child's Eye View of World 2

2018 Blue Angels

A Child's Eye View of World 4

F/A-18 Super Hornet, Turn and Burn. (+4 in Comments)

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Team Oracle!

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Cradle of Aviation Museum - Winter 2018-19-27.jpg

Yeah I'm Cute!!

A Waiting Game @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Where I go to Reflect

Three's a Crowd @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Tonight's Sunset @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Make A Wish @ Long Beach Boardwalk, Long Island, USA

Chasing the Harvest Moon @ Long Beach, New York, USA

Sweeping Allée - Entrance to Old Westbury Gardens

Clouds over the jetty

Pretty in Pink

Home by the Sea

Back to the New York Groove

Home Sweet Home

JL3 (Explore)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Old Westbury Gardens, Old Westbury, New York

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

sand and sky


The sunset sky at Jones Beach

Sunset at Jones Beach,