Jul 1984 - View looking south-west across Serpentine Dam, Western Australia
Touching the stars from Mount Cooke, WA
Jarrahdale State Forest night-sky
The Milky Way above Split Rock
Miniargiolestes minimus male wings
Apology to My Contacts
Downstream view from Serpentine Dam
Miniargiolestes minimus male wings
Milky Way Rising - Keysbrook, Western Australia
Serpentine Stitch
Ground Control
In The Forest
Summer Milky Way at Keysbrook, Western Australia
Serpentine Falls Panorama - Looking West
Milky Way Panorama - Serpentine Dam, Western Australia
Serpentine Falls
On our small Rock
Milky Way at Serpentine Dam, Western Australia
Milky Way rising over Serpentine - Perth, Western Australia
Milky Way Rising, Byford - Western Australia
Walkway under the Milky Way - Serpentine, Western Australia
End of the rainbow
Nature by Design
Outback Star Trails - Karnet, Western Australia
Dragons Breath
Down by the Riverside
11 September 2018 - Picturesque semi-rural valley on a misty day near Wungong Dam, Perth, Western Australia
Milky Way over Keysbrook Rail Crossing, Western Australia
Measuring Post