snowy mountain sunrise

Pollen 花粉 EXPLORED

morning mountain layers

autumn in the persimmon orchard

plum blossoms

bridge in fog

cherry blossoms at night

remnants of rural life

evening stroll along the Nagara

Tomi's fence

big and bold

spring is not green for everything

The blue hour in Gifu

the rice check

persimmon stump

bamboo, young and old

Gifu bound

barley and rain

View from a Shinkansen window

Google Street View

view from a station




Fog pond


morning mountain layers

morning fog in Motosu

Heavy smokers.

The 3rd morning

良い子は帰る時間( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

20090814 Sunflower 1

Red carpet.

Paddy field 田圃 நெல் வயல்


morning mountain fog

All Photos-1385

morning light on roof - Version 2

bamboo forest

20110818 Ogaki-Himawari 3

Paddy お米 நெல்