Fox, Montana

Artemisia tridentata vaseyana in the Big Hole Valley, Montana

View from the cabin

Grass and Storm Clouds

Muhlenbergia richardsonis

Beaver Dam on Miner Creek in Beaverhead County, MT

Alone in meadow. Montana

Big Hole Valley, Montana

High Noon in the Beaverhead Mountains

Jackson, Montana 59736

Storms over the Big Hole Valley in Montana. I got hailed on shortly afterwards, the locals called the type of hail grapple.

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Nela and Carrie at Jackson Hot Springs lodge

8 Inch Wild Brook Trout Caught at Lower Miner Lakes, Beaverhead County, MT

Jackson, Montana 59736

Chased by the Storm

Somewhere in Montana

Post Office 59736 (Jackson, Montana)

How it's done, son.

Muhlenbergia richardsonis

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