Old Belmar Railroad Bridge over Allegheny River now Sandy Creek Trail @ Franklin, PA (HSS)

Best view of a parade is on daddy's shoulders @ Franklin, PA

Victory Furnace

Canada Warbler

I can see for miles and miles....

Scarlet Tanager (Explored)

Franklin, Pennsylvania USA

Fall winding down

Kennerdale Scenic Overlook

Kennerdale Scenic Overlook

Kennerdale Scenic Overlook

Mini Hoops

Candy Apples

John Deere 9550

Looking down @ Sandy Creek, from the (NCT) North Country & Sandy Creek Trail's hiking bridge.

Belmar Bridge

Ovenbird (Explored)

Victory Furnace

Maurice K. Goddard State Park

Maurice K. Goddard State Park

French Creek

Scenic Overlook

July 07

An old orchard overlooking Polk Pennsylvania.

McAfee Knob

Kennerdell 2011 005

Kennerdell 2011 003

Inner woods lookout 4

Kennerdell 2012 012

Lake 09 091

Lake 09 118