Maikäfer (Melolontha)

lonely pylon - einsamer Mast

Nobody's waiting...

Schautafel Kraftwerk - Chart Powerstation

Find the single still working man - Finde den einzigen, der noch arbeitet

Uglyworld #135 - Wage and the Yankee Candle

Langer Schatten - Grosser Indemann / Long shadow - big Indemann

A view of the Aachen Cathedral from the Katschhof. Because of its shape, the dome is affectionately referred to as "the lemon juicer." I wonder whether Charlemagne would approve.


and in the darkened underpass...

through the wire

Weiße Weihnachten

Alsdorfer Burg in Wassertropfen

Uglyworld #407 - Assorted Mints (83-365)

Tagebau Hambach -22- Hambachbahn - RWE Power 549

Tagebau Hambach -24- Hambachbahn - RWE Power 549

Tagebau Hambach -18- Hambachbahn - RWE Power 507


Leute´s Köpfe - People´s Heads


Wonderlijk shot

Weihnachtsausflug 2011 - Pier

Weihnachtsausflug 2012 1/66

Kraftwerk Weisweiler

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DSC01816 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01812 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01809 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01792 Windräder in NRW

DSC01813 Windradpark in NRW

Im Mai

DSC01808 Windrad und Braunkohlekraftwerk in NRW

DSC01789 Windräder in NRW

Camp Astrid

DSC01811 Windradpark in NRW

Ein später Sommertag

Sonnenuntergang am Blausteinsee - IMG_0093_20141031

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DSC01815 Windradpark in NRW

DSC01814 Windradpark in NRW

I can see your house from here