USKN05011992 - 19

Flower shadows on newfallen snow

USKN05011992 - 05

USKN05011992 - 21

aerial view_knoebels grove2

USKN05011992 - 22

aerial view_knoebels grove

Towards the Attic

Kiln 9

Kiln 14

Kiln 2

Chair Lift At Knoebels

Knoebel's Amusement Resort 095

Ready for planting (View Large)

Knoebels - View Down on Park

Knoebel's Amusement Resort 094

Knoebel's Amusement Resort 090

Knoebel's Amusement Resort 135

DILO 11:25 am

Kiln 10

Knoebel's Amusement Resort 093

knoebels grove ferris wheel

Sunbury, PA. 2011

Nail Landscape

Rebuck Sunset

Crissinger Road

Recluse Grave

knoebels bridge landscape

knoebels watermill

Self Portrait behind Plastic

Steep Rocky Descent On AOAA's East Side Green Trail Ride - IMGP7546

Dead Earth Reaching Toward a Living Heaven

Jeep Obstucting Our Trail - IMGP7490

Trees 1

Overlooking Slutter Valley from Hooflander Mountain

"Just back it up...but watch the tree"

Screen landscape

Running through the forest

East Side Trails

Sky Color

#nolabucknell test iPad