Midway Village Pump House

MILW 3 in Belvidere, IL

Hard to see the movie screen when it's obscured by trees. Abandoned Sunset Drive-In in Rockford, IL

Drugs & Alcohol

Westbound Extra

Midway Village Pump House

Abandoned NIRR / CNW Grade North of Fern Hill Rd 1977

Abandoned NIRR / CNW Grade NE of Fern Hill Rd 1977

Rockford, IL on East Belt

Midway Village Pump House

View From Work

Hard to see the movie screen when it's obscured by trees. Abandoned Sunset Drive-In in Rockford, IL

IMRL Grain Train Detour

Hard to see the movie screen when it's obscured by trees. Abandoned Sunset Drive-In in Rockford, IL

Abandoned NIRR / CNW Grade East of Genoa Rd 1977

A Bomber's Paradise I

Midway Village Pump House

Rusted Planter

Midway Village Pump House

Rockford, IL

Kids' table view

... a lovely weather

freezing ...

the midwest nowhere

A Dream Driveway

Kingston trax

CN @ Snake Road

Deer Run Forest Preserve

Winter Scene

Stuck in traffic trying to get to O'Hare.

The Midwest as I know it

Bare Trees in an Autumn Field

Autumn at Blackhawk Springs


Autumn Forest Ravine

As Common as Dirt

Merging Streams

Cows below