Misma vista, diferente amanecer/ Same view, different sunrise

Vista de San Isidro/ View of San Isidro

Apartamentos Interamericanos: vista lateral av.7-7a, c.15/ Interamerican apartments bldg.: side view 7th-7a av., 15th st.

Vista de San Isidro de Heredia, desde las alturas/ View of San Isidro, Heredia province, from high above

Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis)

Vista hacia el suroeste, desde lo alto av.2a-4, c.9/ View towards the southwest, from high above 2a-4th av., 9th st.

Vista de San José hacia el noroeste/ View of San José towards the northwest

Vista desde el patio de la Escuela Buenaventura Corrales hacia el edificio del INS av.5-7, c.9/ View from the Buenaventura Corrales Elementary's school patio, towards the National Insurance Company building 5th-7th av., 9th st.

Otra vista de caminata, bajando hacia San Isidro/ Another view on a hike, descending towards San Isidro

Una vista final del hotel don Carlos av.9, c.9/ A final view of the Don Carlos Hotel 9th av., 9th st.

Sunset Heredia

Otra vista de la Iglesia de San Isidro de Heredia/ Another view of the catholic church at San Isidro, Heredia province


San José

Costa Rica

Vista hacia San Isidro, provincia de Heredia, durante caminata/ View towards San Isidro, Heredia province, during a hike

Abstract view of my stairs.

Asteroids remastered

Otra vista de atardecer en el parque metropolitano La Sabana/ Another view from a sunset at La Sabana Metropolitan Park

The View and the Signs

A family enjoys the view at the University for Peace in Costa Rica.

Arenal National Park [Costarica]

Atardecer en el parque metropolitano La Sabana/ A sunset in La Sabana Metropolitan Park

Christian fullpipe


Here comes the rain again-4

The Lake at La Sabana

Lago de La Sabana al atardecer/ La Sabana metropolitan park lake at dusk


The Little Lake at La Sabana

Hybrid Solar Eclipse November 2013 - 001

Here comes the rain again-3

Paisaje de caminata con tiempo nuboso, San Isidro de Heredia/ Landscape on a hiking route during a cloudy day, San Isidro, Heredia province

Zonotrichia capensis

#sky #beautiful #photographer #streetstyle #ig_costarica #ig_venezuela #love #nature #allshots_ #amazing #vscocam

house on a hill

Sit & Wait

Parking in the woods

Poás - Volcanic Lake

Bucólico-Monte de la Cruz

Mountain Cloud