Pyynikki observation tower

Blues for you

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South Park festival 2016

Tampere winter panorama


Hatanpää arboretum

Tampereen ortodoksinen kirkko

Liuksialan koivukuja / Birch alley in Liuksiala

Beautiful Näsijärvi

Lush | Rehevää

Popeye Swing

View from the office

Light painting

"drifting clouds" *¹

Hidden from the city

Lapinniemi neighbourhood

A view over the pond/lake

Fiery Sunset

Wintry Daybrake

Lake Pyhäjärvi

A vista de pájaro

I´m dreaming of a White Christmas…


Lahti Gloaming

Maalaismaisema aamuauringossa

Lonely rock

Frosty jetty

Snow on top

Camping Site, Härmälä, Tampere

Sun set and sun rising-33

Abandoned match factory

Lentävänniemi, Tampere.

Spring is here!

Melting ice

Sunset at the Harbor

One of these Mornings…

Silence of the water

Into the wild

Vesijärvi, Kangasala

Autumn in Kauppi, Tampere