Middle Rouge River - Plymouth, Michigan


Warm morning sun after snow

Wood Duck - Aix Sponsa

Springtime is Just Around the Corner

The Moon Is Like Love (Always there)

Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet.

Fresh Produce For Sale at the Wayne Farmers Market Photo by Michigan Municipal League Summer 2014

Fresh Produce For Sale at the Wayne Farmers Market Photo by Michigan Municipal League Summer 2014

Promotion Sign for the Wayne Farmers Market Photo by Michigan Municipal League Summer 2014

Ypsilanti Farmers Market Photo by Michigan Municipal League Summer 2014

Little Free Library at the Wayne Farmers Market Photo by Michigan Municipal League Summer 2014


Purple Kohirabi at the Ypsilanti Farmers Market Photo by Michigan Municipal League

Newburgh Lake - Livonia, Michigan

Heritage Park - Canton, Michigan 2016

The year end

Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon

Light trails and sunset

Red-breasted Merganser - immature male

Dame's Rocket on Newburgh Lake Dam - Livonia, Mi.

Tree reflection on Wilcox Lake - Plymouth, Michigan

Nature's cathedral - Holliday Park - Westland Michigan

Agfa-Ansco B2 Cadet Camera made in 1937 - Photo taken 5-18-2016 - Plymouth, Michigan

Fall color at Wilcox Lake - Hines Park - Plymouth, Mi.

Pond Garden in Heritage Park - 2014

Holliday Park - Westland, Michigan

Van Buren Park - Belleville, Michigan

Belleville Lake - Belleville Michigan

Rouge River - Fall color - Plymouth Michigan

Black Eyed Susan Flowers - First Responders Memorial - Livonia, Michigan

Newburgh Lake - Plymouth, Michigan

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Peninsular Park - Ypsilanti, Michigan

Middle Rouge Parkway

Lake in Mattathai Botanical Garden - Ann Arbor, Mi.

Van Buren Park - Belleville Lake - Van Buren Township

Ice Cold Reflections

Nankin Lake - Westland, Michigan

Into the woods - Holliday Park -Westland, Michigan

The Oak forest behind Nankin Lake - Westland, Michigan

Plymouth Township Park - Plymouth, Michigan.