Spider.. it's what's for dinner

Slippery When Wet III

A Cross in the Sunday Sky

Austin Sunrise

The Farmers State Bank - Georgetown, TX

Aurra Sing FO

Bee in my backyard, captured in Brushy Creek, Round Rock, Texas

Yellows and Greens of Bull Creek

Anole Lizard series 9-27-08 2 of 4

Southern Bee Killer Robber Fly - Mallophora orcina , captured in Brushy Creek, Round Rock, Texas

Bee Killer "Robber Fly", captured in Brushy Creek, Round Rock, Texas

Orange moon

White, Puffy Clouds Above Lake Travis and the Highland Lakes

Neon skimmer

Wolf's Lair

Bluebell spotlight

Avery Ranch Fireworks 2017

Hibiscus in a Water Drop

Ant tale

Eye see you

painted lady butterfly probiscis - another view