Barack and Michelle Obama - Rally - Evansville, IN

She Loves the Cone

Helibars for a 2005 2006 2007 2008 ZZR600.

View of office building of Colonial Classics Landscaping & Nursery from Epworth Road Newburgh IN

Exterior view at Colonial Classics Landscaping & Nursery Newburgh IN

Brush Strokes And Silhouettes V

Brush Strokes And Silhouettes II

The Chase

Brush Strokes And Silhouettes III

Brush Strokes And Silhouettes IV

FINALLY Film Focus

Sign O' Times (black and white)

Sign O' Times

Gliding Hawk

The Fungus' View

Nobody Takes The Dark Way....

That might be a bad idea.....you need a boat to get to those houses!!

A In The Sky

Barack Obama, Elaine Mellencamp, Michelle Obama, John Mellencamp (Photo by me, Image Published on ABC Good Morning America)

2009 Ice Storm Damage

The Sky from the View of a Flea

Wesselman Woods

Sunset on The Ohio

Wesselman Woods

Wesselman Woods

The Trail

Wesselman Woods

Newburgh Water Front

Mound A

Wesselmans Woods


Wesselman Woods

Sunset after the solstice

Wesselman Woods

Deluge from a distance

Evansville Harrison HS Soccer Field

Little Breezy

Wesselman Woods

Forked Streams

oaklyn pampas iced