Payette River Confluence

Amazing Bread Loaf Rock in Southwest Idaho - 1980

Payette River in Southwest Idaho - 1980

Nightscape Panorama

Horseshoe Bend panoLRwm

Squaw Butte from the air

Ridge all the way

NE View From Mores Mountain Campground 3

NE View From Mores Mountain Campground 1

Sugarloaf Rock

NE View From Mores Mountain Campground 2

River view from train

The Heavens Opening

View from train

Shadows Grow Long

Backside path

Sun kissed on eclipse day

2016 - Road Trip - Horseshoe Bend Idaho - 1 of 1

Payette River, Idaho

In a field of sunflowers

horseshoe bend hill

20170822 1011 pentax k-1 4041 73mm

Wide angle flattery

North Payette River, Idaho, USA

Plant petting

Saturday morning Kyle and I observed and photo documented the cattle drive at #Avimor up at Sheep Rock. The day was perfect. The landscape and sky were glorious. "Eating a sandwich on top of rocky mountain with my dad is like a childhood dream" he said. #

Idaho Northern and Pacific

Path less travelled

Morning haze

Edge of the earth